Wednesday, September 12, 2018

20 Best Questions to Ask in a Relationship to Understand Each Other

Do you want to get to know your partner better? Do you want to deepen your connection? You can do so with the best questions to ask in a relationship.

Just because you’re in a relationship, doesn’t mean you know everything about one another. Even couples married for 30+ years have more to learn. But what are the best questions to ask in a relationship? Is it your favourite colour? Or biggest pet peeve? Or should the questions be deeper?
Bad questions to ask in a relationship
Before we get into the best questions to ask in a relationship, there are some you may want to avoid. And others you will want to reword.
Asking questions that come with accusations is never a good move. Questions like, “Why are you so crazy?” or “What’s the matter with you?” will only cause more trouble than they are worth. Instead of putting it all on them, be a bit more calm and understanding.
You can ask something like, “Sometimes you get so upset at the tiniest thing, why do you think that is?” A more patient question worded in a way that makes it clear you actually want to help and not blame is the first step to making bad questions good questions. 
The best questions to ask in a relationship
If you are looking to deepen your connection, find out more about your partner’s past, or just learn more about them, these are the questions you want on standby.
These all come with a lot of explanation as to how your partner became the person they are today. Just remember that communication is a two-way street, so be prepared to open up yourself.
#1 What was your childhood like? Unless you are childhood sweethearts, there is a good chance you don’t know much about how your partner grew up. It might be shocking that you knew so little about this time in their life, so change that.
A lot of people may say the past is in the past, but getting to know what made your partner who they are is so important. This could also clue you in on parts of your own relationship you never really thought about before. Plus, you may find you have more in common than you ever realise.
#2 Who was your first love and what was that experience like? Our first love may have been in grade school or it could have been in college. It can be considered puppy love, but that infatuation or full on relationship is how we were first introduced to love.
It changes how we see things and how we act in relationships moving forward. Talking about your exes is a no-go if you are still harbouring feelings, but as long as you’ve moved on, sharing these experiences with one another opens your relationship to a whole other level.
#3 What was your first impression of me? Once you have been dating for a while, you see your partner as just that. This is someone you are with. But when you first met, your thoughts were probably pretty different. Talk about what you thought when you first met.
Was it solely about attraction? Did you think they were stuck up? Maybe they found you to be mysterious and intriguing. Learning about what interested you both at the beginning is so insightful to how the rest of your relationship developed from there. 
#4 How do you want to deal with fights? This is a question not enough couples ask each other. You get into a fight and one person wants to talk it out while the other wants time alone. And then things can get misunderstood.
Arguments in a relationship go much more smoothly when both you and your partner decide how to deal. Do you want to take some time to cool down and then talk or do you want to get everything out in the open. Having this talk and knowing how your partner deals best can make every future issue that much less of one.
#5 What are your deal breakers? This can be a super scary question to ask someone you are currently dating. When you first meet you find out if they smoke or drink. And if that is a deal breaker, you don’t know each other so it is no big deal.
But once you have a connection and are emotionally invested you can go a long time without talking about the more difficult topics. And the longer you put it off, the harder it will be later. Do you want kids, but your partner doesn’t? Do you have opposing political or religious views?
It can be brutal to bring up something that could break you apart, but if you don’t talk about this for another year down the road you will only cause more heartbreak. If you talk about it now, you may even be able to come to a compromise. 
#6 Do you have any regrets? So many people claim they have no regrets. I myself would like to say that, but if you told me I could go back and change something I probably would.
Mistakes you have made and the things that came from them make us who we are today, but sometimes things would be easier or better if that mistake never happened. Asking your partner what they would change or what they regret says a lot about who they are.
Do they regret hurting someone? Do they wish they could change their college major? Or do they regret something else. Some people wish to go back so their lives would be better today. Others might want to improve someone else’s life. This can let you know a lot about your partner and yourself. 
#7 If you won the lottery what would you do? This may seem like a surface level question, but money is such a powerful thing in this world. Knowing if you and your partner agree on what to do with such a large amount of it can say a lot about your potential future together.
Would you travel the world? Would they want to save it? Or would you both prefer to donate it?
#8 What do you get from our relationship? This can be another hard question to ask if you don’t have a lot of confidence. Although it can strengthen your bond, it could potentially create friction.
Do you both simply get companionship from one another? Or do you get respect and support? Do you get happiness and intimacy? Sharing the answer to this question can guide you to make your relationship stronger or reaffirm what you already knew.
#9 Do you believe in fate? Believing in fate can be mixed with believing in soulmates. Were you meant to be all along? Or do you work at your relationship everyday and fight for each other? Answering this can clue you into their bigger views of the world. 
#10 Do you hold grudges? You may already know the answer to this depending on how long you’ve been together, but seeing how self aware your partner is is definitely beneficial. They may say they forgive easily, but do they constantly bring up that one mistake you made?
This can open the door for a further conversation or help you clue each other in on somethings you may not realise.
#11 If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? This is a truly insightful question. Some would maybe say that you pick your clothes up off the floor or close the door when you use the bathroom. But if they say something about your looks or personality that is something to think about.
Perhaps they would prefer if you were less hot headed. That is something you can work on. But if they prefer you had more money or a better tan, you may want to rethink things.
#12 What offends you the most?  Not only does this let you know how sensitive your partner is, but it can let you know if they have been hurt in the past or what to avoid in the future. Are they most offended when someone attacks their character? Or are they offended by racism and ignorance?
#13 What do you think you need to work on personally?  If they say nothing, well, that is a problem all on its own. But this can help you give them more respect or be more patient in certain situations. Maybe they have to work on forgiveness or trust. Or perhaps they have low self esteem or high levels of anxiety.
Don’t forget that within your relationship there are two individuals with their own problems and struggles. 
#14 What scares you most about the future?  This can give you a glimpse at what your partner might stress about down the road. Are they worried about money? Having a job? Or perhaps being a parent or the state of our country? Or maybe even the environment? 
#15 What do you define as cheating? Depending on someone’s past, their definition of cheating can vary quite a bit. Is it a kiss or more? Is is flirting? Knowing that you are on the same page regarding what cheating is will definitely help you moving forward.
Something you may view as totally innocent could be a huge betrayal to your partner. Knowing this is necessary.
#16 Is there something you would like us to do that we’ve never done? This gives them a safe place to propose something they may have been nervous to bring up in the past. Is there something they want to try in the bedroom? Or have they always wanted to take a trip to France? 
#17 Do you struggle with confidence? For some reason, admitting you have self esteem issues to your partner is seen as such a defeat. Maybe people think their partner will feel sorry for them or something. But I think talking about confidence issues with your partner can only be beneficial.
It opens both of your eyes to certain situations and sensitivities you or your partner may have. It can also guide you both to a more healthy self image.
#18 Do you have a living will? Another more difficult subject that many people don’t want to think about let alone talk about, but depending how serious your relationship is, it is good to know these things. God forbid anything were to happen, it is vital that someone close to you in your life knows what you want.
#19 What do you think about my family? When discussing you childhood, you get to know your partner’s family and their relationship, but what do they think of your family? These people could potentially be family one day, so sharing these opinions is healthy and useful.
Perhaps your partner loves your mum, but feels she’s judgemental when they discuss work. You can try to avoid more awkward or tense situations with your partner and certain family members if you actually know the issues. 
#20 Are you happy? It is easy to make this question all about you, but when asking it realise just because you are a couple, it doesn’t mean all their happiness depends on you. They could be disappointed with their career or success.
Talking about your happiness lets you realise what you may want to change or do more of in life so that you can be happy together.

There are hundreds of questions to ask in a relationship. All these questions will strengthen your bond and make your relationship come together on a deeper level.

Monday, September 10, 2018

The 20 Cutest, Most Adorably Awkward Moments In A New Relationship

adorably awkward moments in a new relationship

New relationships have a lot of firsts and a lot of awkward ones at that. These are the most adorably awkward moments in a new relationship.

Just because it is awkward does not mean it isn’t adorably awkward. Adorably awkward moments in a new relationship are what make you laugh, bring you closer together, and make you comfortable around each other.
So instead of hiding under a rock after tripping in front of your new beau, embrace the adorably awkward moments in a new relationship. They can work for you instead of against you.
New relationships are awkward
If you have ever entered a new relationship without at least a few awkward moments, you must be some sort of alien. New relationships are practically made of awkward moments.
Who is reaching for the bill? Who is driving? How do we make plans? Do I tell him he has spinach in his teeth? Do I tell her her skirt is stuck in her underwear?
These adorably awkward moments are what take your newfound relationship and turn it into #relationship goals. I guarantee those couples you see on social media like Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have had plenty of awkward moments in their early years. Those awkward moments are what made them who they are today.
So lean into the awkwardness of your new relationships. These are the moments you do not want to miss. 
The adorably awkward moments in a new relationship
Do not let these adorably awkward moments pass you by, appreciate them now before you are peeing with the door open and popping each other’s pimples.
#1 The meet-cute. When you first meet your partner, everything might be super cute and perfect, but more often than not, something is super awkward, at least in my experience. If a friend is introducing you two, maybe you go in for a hug and they go in for a handshake.
This is a potential dating milestone. Being adorably awkward isn’t a bad thing. It shows that you are both a little nervous which is sweet. 
#2 The first date. Whether you are good at first dates or not… Who is good at first dates? Anyways, the first date will surely have its fair share of awkward silences, kicking each other under the table, or mentioning your weird obsession with china dolls.
But first date awkwardness brings you together. You laugh and feel a little nervous, but working through that and finding it endearing rather than painful is what makes a first date become a second date. 
#3 Who’s paying? Do you reach for the check? Should you assume they are paying? Are you splitting it? Do you wish there was a universal agreement to decide this so you didn’t have to be so awkward about it?
Reaching and then offering and saying thanks and you didn’t have to is a rite of passage in a new relationship.
#4 The first kiss. Yes, there is a good chance your first kiss was perfection. It could have been stars and rainbows and just the perfect amount of everything. But sometimes the first kiss is like the kiss *AHEM*. You are still feeling each other out.
One of you used too much tongue. Some ate onions with dinner. Or you just couldn’t get a good flow going. This gives you a chance for round two. The first kiss might be awkward, but pulling back and trying it again is one of the most adorably awkward moments in a new relationship all of us experience. 
#5 Trying to hold hands. This seems like a simple idea, huh? Holding hands? But that first reach whether it is in the movie theatre or walking down the sidewalk can be super awkward.
Your hands might be sweaty. And you might like to lace finger while they like to cuff hands. Eventually, you get the hang of it. Walking hand in hand is not always as simple as it sounds, at least not the first time.
#6 The first sleepover. From actually trying to sleep next to another human being that might snore, talk in their sleep, or even kick to wearing no makeup, being puffy, and even having morning wood… the first sleepover is full of adorably awkward moments.
This is the first time you are seeing so much of each other in a new light. And it is sweet to let your guard down and really be comfortable around each other. It is just that before that happens you will see each other without your date-ready looks. 
#7 The first social media encounter. If you met on social media, you may be able to forego this one, but for those who met the old-fashioned way, figuring out the social media world as a new couple is totally awkward. Do you friend request him now? Or should you ask him first?
Are you official on social media? Can you post photos together or is it too soon? Navigating social media is hard enough on its own, but now add your new bae into the mix and you have a whole world of new awkward likes, stalkings, and posts. 
#8 The first fart. If you or your partner doesn’t laugh at the first fart, something is wrong there. This may be the funniest of all the adorably awkward moments in a new relationship. I had a boyfriend who farted in front of me for the first time. I started to laugh, but he didn’t realise and once he did, we laughed for 20 minutes straight.
After that, our relationship went from new to we no longer have to hold our farts in around each other. And that is a good and freeing feeling. 
#9 The first time being drunk around them. Personally, I don’t drink, but being drunk releases your inhibitions. So being drunk in a new relationship is always a story for the books, if you remember it that is.
Everything from drunk sex, to the next day’s hangover, and maybe even saying something you shouldn’t have wrapped up into one night. And even though it may not be the classiest, it is one of those adorably awkward moments in a new relationship milestone.
#10 The first time you introduce each other. If you haven’t had “the talk” yet, you may not know whether you are boyfriend and girlfriend. That means introducing this person to your friend is going to be super awkward. Do you say friend? Do you say boyfriend?
However, you and your new partner introduce each other can start the big conversation about where you are. 
#11 Using the bathroom at their place. Peeing at their place is fine, but once number two comes around, it is an all-around awkward relationship moment. It may not feel adorable in the moment, but trust me, looking back, you will think it is.
You’re sweating, running the faucet, and are in the bathroom way longer than is normal, but don’t want to say anything. God forbid you run out of toilet paper. But eventually they know the deal, and you look at each other in agreement to never discuss this again. 
#12 Meeting the parents. Meeting each other’s families is never smooth sailing. I mean it can be, but going into it is super weird. You never know what to expect no matter how much your partner tries to prepare you.
You are bound to say something weird and awkward, but somehow it makes the family end up liking you more. Therefore your awkwardness is now adorable once again. 
#13 The first time being sick. Being sick in front of anyone but your mum is so awkward. Crying from a fever, getting food poisoning, or even the stomach flu is awful on its own, but exposing your new partner to this monstrosity is as awkward as it gets.
But having them take care of you in your time of need really makes you love them more.
#14 The first time being truly gross. You might think puking up last night’s dinner was gross enough, but this time I am talking about intentional grossness. This means not washing your hair for a week, eating crumbs out of your bra, cleaning your teeth with your fingernail.
Doing all of these things in front of one another is awkward, but when you truly love each other, they are adorably gross.
#15 The first time they did something wrong. Now I don’t mean lying or cheating. I mean the first time they bring you your favourite donuts on the way home but bought the wrong flavor. Do you eat it and pretend they got it right, or do you let them down easy?
These things are bound to happen in any new relationship. It is up to you if you appreciate the awkwardness and make the most of it or not.
#16 The first time you criticise each other. When you first meet someone, you are not going to say you hate their cargo shorts. At least I hope not. But once you have farted in front of each other and spent the night, you might let it slip that you want to light those cargo shorts on fire and watch them burn to ash.
Yes, this can be a little hurtful, but when it is something small like ugly shorts or a hideous piece of furniture, a little teasing is the basis of a healthy relationship.
#17 The first time talking about your dating history. Bum, bum, bum… Talking about your exes. Whether you are sharing your roster or explaining why your last relationship ended, this is always at least mildly uncomfortable.
But again, this is a necessary step in all good relationships. So, tell the uncomfortable, yet needed stories. See how this awkward moment can benefit you. 
#18 The first time they see you cry. When you first see him cry during a rom-com or he sees you crying into a bucket of ice cream on your period, you might not know how to handle it. But cuddling up and wiping their tears seems like the way to go.
#19 The first time you get gifts for each other. Gift giving is immensely difficult, even for those you have known forever. So, buying a gift for each other can be impossible. Do you go expensive? Do you go practical? Or do you go super personal?
Him handing you a hideous scarf may be awkward, but just wait until you wear it every time you are with him for the next season just to make him happy. That’ll be even more adorably awkward. 
#20 The making it official talk. This is more than awkward, but the will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend talk is the most clingy of all these adorably awkward moments in a new relationship. It starts with some ums but ends with an adorable kiss. But there is just pure awkwardness if this new relationship ends here, so hopefully you’re both on the same page.
Adorably awkward moments in a new relationship are what make new relationships so fun and exciting. Nothing brings you closer than getting to know someone you have feelings for through a series of weird and embarrassing moments.
So instead of digging your toenails into the floor and cringing, laugh out loud, and just enjoy these adorably awkward moments in a new relationship knowing that you’ll cherish them for a long, long time to come.

Why You Should Run if You See These Early Relationship Red Flags

early relationship red flags

We all want to fall in love, but you know the old saying, love is blind, right? Catch these early relationship red flags to avoid the heartbreak.

I said it once and I’ll say it again, love isn’t easy. Sure, you may meet someone that you really like but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be with that person forever. In fact, you’ll probably go through a couple of “the ones” until you actually meet the one. But, what usually happens is that we ignore the early relationship red flags that they’re not the ones and push through it, ending up heartbroken at the end.
Finding someone that you’re actually compatible with isn’t as easy as we thought. Of course, we want our love lives to be a dramatic rendition of Grease or High School Musical. Let’s be honest, that’s not going to happen.
The early relationship red flags you need to know
You don’t need to deal with heartbreak. I’ve had my fair share and I can honestly say, I could do without it. I dated guys, ignoring the signs and ended up completely shocked when they would ghost or dump me. But the signs were there, out in the open. It was my fault that I didn’t see the early relationship red flags and do something about it.
I don’t want you to go through unnecessary pain for some idiot. Instead, it’s best to know the signs, spot them, and then run in the opposite direction. Let’s be honest, no one ever said, “they had so many great red flags, I just love them!” Nope, never happens. If you see them in your relationship, run. 
#1 They don’t communicate. If you can’t communicate with your partner, you’re not going to get far. I’m not talking about sending each other memes. I’m talking about discussing things that bother you and vice versa with each other.
If they can’t talk through their issues, this is one of those huge early relationship red flags. What’s going to happen instead? Will they just blame it all on you? Completely shut down? That’s not how relationships work. 
#2 They feel entitled. I have a friend whose boyfriend was upset that he couldn’t have sex with her for two weeks after she underwent surgery. Now, if that doesn’t scream entitlement, then I don’t know what does.
Entitlement means when someone feels that others should be doing more for them, that they don’t feel equal to their partners. This is a major red flag and shows that they don’t actually care about you.
#3 You justify their actions. The relationship is new but you find yourself finding excuses to justify their behaviour to other people. Rather than having a disagreement with this person, instead, you throw all the bad evidence away in your head in order to be aligned with your partner. In reality, you’re just creating a false impression of them so that you don’t have to accept who they really are.
#4 They’re the centre of attention. If they had it their way, the world would revolve around them. If your basic conversation with them revolves around their needs, that’s a problem. This form of narcissism is very dangerous to involve yourself in when in a relationship. In your relationship, it’s not going to be about the both of you. It’s going to be about them and only them.
#5 They like to test the boundaries. Everyone has their own personal boundaries and your partner loves to test yours. It could be something that appears innocent, like wanting to see you on Tuesday even though you said you were busy or pushing you to move in with them. Though they seem like no big deal, if someone is overstepping your boundaries, they don’t respect you.
#6 They love to criticise you. Whatever you do, they do it better. They constantly criticise you, dismissing your opinion, and treating you like you’re less than them. This is a sign of emotional manipulation. They do this to make you appear smaller than them. You’ll also feel that something isn’t right when they dismiss or criticise you. This is a red flag. 
#7 You feel it. Listen, you know exactly what’s going on in the situation, but you may be too insecure or scared to say or do anything about it. If your gut instinct is telling you that something isn’t right, well, something isn’t right.
Whether you’ve had past relationships or not, you know what it feels like to be treated with respect and how it feels like to be disrespected. Watch their actions and listen to your body’s response. 
#8 They’re jealous. Okay, everyone is a bit jealous, so, I can’t say to watch out for jealousy. But what you want to watch out for is extreme jealousy. But the thing is, you won’t notice this right away nor will it be obvious. It may appear to be a concern, but if they’re looking for your phone, following you on your night out, and asking you aggressive questions about your friends, well, it’s not going to get better.
#9 Too much alcohol. Everyone likes to have a drink here or there, but you need to make sure that your partner isn’t going heavy on the alcohol all the time. Naturally, someone addicted to substances will hide it well, up to a point. If they’re drinking a lot and cannot hold their liquor in front of you, these may be signs of alcoholism.
#10 Their exes are highly criticised. Everyone has past relationships and some of them were worse than others. Naturally, we may not think too highly of our exes, but if your partner bashes all of their exes, claiming that they were all crazy, it’s a clear sign of how they’re going to treat you. If they don’t have any nice words to say about their exes, this is a clear sign that they can’t take responsibility for their actions.
#11 Your closest family and friends don’t like them. I know, you see something special in them but your family and friends are your biggest support and they aren’t fans of your partner. If one friend doesn’t like them, okay, but if a majority of your friends and family don’t like them, well, then there’s something they obviously see that you don’t.
#12 They’re always working. You want a partner that’s going to actually spend time with you. If they spend most of their time at the office, then that may become a future problem. The work/life balance is a delicate one, but you want your partner to respect it. If they spend most of their days at the office and cancelling dates with you, it’s a red flag. 
#13 Your relationship is “low key.” They aren’t into labels and don’t like putting photos everywhere on social media. Now, I get the social media thing, but they don’t have one photo of you?
If they keep your relationship on the down low, then there’s something they’re not being honest with you about. Maybe you’re just a booty call with dinner privileges or maybe they already have someone.

You now know the early relationship red flags that just can’t be ignored. So, it’s time to put the pieces of the puzzle together… is it time to run?

Ways to Recognise Physical & Emotional Signs of a Guilty Conscience

signs of a guilty conscience

We all know honesty is essential, but sometimes we hide things from others. But there’s a way to see if someone has the signs of a guilty conscience.

Now, you may be squeaky clean yourself. You’re honest with your partner and haven’t thought of lying to them once. But you have this strange feeling like they’re hiding something from you. To be honest, you’ll never know if they’re lying to you or not, but there are signs of a guilty conscience. Watch and see if they point in that direction.
If after reading this, you feel that they’re deceiving you, you need to then figure out if you even want to keep this relationship going or just cut it and move on.
12 signs of a guilty conscience
I can’t tell you that I’m perfect. In my first relationship, I was really dishonest and hid things from my partner because I was scared of their reaction. Of course, after the relationship ended, I realised without honesty I won’t be able to have a healthy relationship.
Further, my personal well-being was drastically affected because of the build-up of lies and deception I made. I thought I would be able to brush it off and keep on going with my life. Life has that funny way of reminding you constantly of what you did wrong. No one can hide guilt that well. 
#1 They’re suddenly nice. Now, they usually may be nice but suddenly out of nowhere, they’re being extra nice. And no, it’s not your birthday or any other major holiday. It’s a Tuesday.
If they’re never this nice and they pop out all the big moves and gestures, they may overcompensate because of guilt. Now, I don’t know what they did, so don’t go assuming the worst, but, they clearly feel bad about something. 
#2 They can’t look you in the eyes. Eye contact is huge. We all know how easy it is to see what’s going on with someone when you look them in the eyes. If someone avoids eye contact with you, it’s a classic sign of guilt.
If someone feels extremely guilty, they avoid looking at you directly as they’re ashamed of what they’ve done. They’re also scared you’ll find out. 
#3 They accuse you. This is a common thing that guilty people do. Firstly, they become defensive if you confront them. Then, they flip the situation onto you, claiming that you’re the one doing something wrong.
This is called “projection.” It happens when someone feels guilty so they need to move the guilt onto someone else. If they’re accusing you of something you didn’t do, I would wonder if they did it themselves. 
#4 They can’t sleep properly. When it’s time to go to bed, their mind works a mile a minute, unable to calm down. Now, there could be other reasons why they struggle with sleeping so don’t jump to a conclusion right away. But usually, when we’re unable to sleep, it is because we’re busy thinking about a specific event and feeling anxious and stressed.
#5 They’re avoiding you. And the best part is, you’ve done nothing wrong! A common sign of guilt is when someone intentionally avoids the person they’ve betrayed. They feel that you may be able to see what they did. Thus, it’s better to hide from you. If they’re disappearing on a regular basis, the guilt is severe.
#6 They’ve suddenly lost their appetite. When stressed, anxiety suppresses our appetites. So, unless they have a presentation for work, are studying for exams, have the flu, or a family issue, there really shouldn’t be any reason why they wouldn’t eat. A loss of appetite is caused by stress and anxiety. Now you need to ask yourself, why are they feeling like this?
#7 They make an effort for small talk. When someone is guilty, they make more of an effort to engage in small talk, in hopes of getting other people to talk rather than them. You’ll notice that they laugh at everything you say and almost come off as having desperate behaviour. They’re compensating for lying to you, and this is one of those easiest signs of a guilty conscience that can be noticed rather easily. 
#8 They suck up to you on social media. I know, what age have we come to that social media is used to aid guilt? But, these are the times I guess. If someone wants on your good side, you’ll be amazed at how vigilant they are on social media. Making sure they like all your photos, leaving comments, trying to give the image that they’re in your good books.
#9 They become emotional. If you confronted them, they may suddenly become emotional in front of you. When people become upset or emotional, it’s usually a good sign that they feel bad about what they did.
They want to reveal themselves, but they fear the consequences as well. This is why they suddenly have an emotional outburst. 
#10 They’re anxious. When someone has a guilty conscience, they’re scared and anxious. They’re scared that it’s going to come out. This, naturally, causes anxiety. You may notice them acting anxious around you. Because there’s something they want to tell you but are too terrified to share it.
#11 They lie. It’s one of the most common traits people use in order to make sure they save their own asses. Can I blame them? It’s actually a natural response when you experience anxiety.
Some of the lies can be small while others are big and life-altering. This avoids the feelings of guilt and moves past the issue without actually addressing it. 
#12 Protective over their phone. It’s not that weird as it sounds since phones have now become our lifeline to the outside world. If they heavily guard their phone around you, perhaps there’s something on it that they don’t want you to see.
Maybe some self-incriminating information. Yes, they already feel the guilt! Hiding their phone is a way to keep you from finding out the truth

20 Best Questions to Ask in a Relationship to Understand Each Other

Do you want to get to know your partner better? Do you want to deepen your connection? You can do so with the best quest...